Monday 8 November 2010

People like this still exist, I have faith in humanity once again :-D

So I was having a conversation about marriage and defending it, saying that I don't think we as young people know anything about honesty, patience, commitment much less love to even start discussing marriage. Then a married woman entered the conversation with these words: "I love my husband though he has cheated I forgive him not because I am stupid but because I see the man he can be." (PAUSE) ............Yeah let that sink in for a minute................ok so let me continue with the quote "This is who I chose to marry and I will honour my commitments. The problem with this world is that we are selfish, self-centred, proud, dis-loyal and not spiritual, so how are going to partake fully of spiritual things?" You see I am going to be honest with myself on this one, I know I have not attained a certain level of maturity emotionally/spiritually to handle such a situation like this lady, and I believe many more individuals neeeeeeeeed (yes that many 'e's) to be more honest with self before COMMITTING to someone else OR just change the vows to say well "if you do so and do...I will so and so" because what this woman has demonstrated on a serious level is loyalty; loyalty to self her husband and God. Loyalty isn't something you show only when it is reciprocated, it's a code that's binding, and the more I think about it is the more I realize that such a step isn't for the weak and fairytale like. A friend of mine said nope! NOT HAPPENING, she believes in the good old fashion saying "an eye for an eye"; and my thought on that is if we continue in such a fashion then it's only a matter of time before there is no light in this already cold world. So it goes back to what are we truly made of, selfishness or selflessness, unconditional love or loyalty with conditions? I mean before you start out on any path of commitment be honest  and loyal with yourself as to who you are before promising someone that you will be honest and loyal to them. That is all.  

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