Try all you want, run all the (9.58)s you want, get all the Bob Marleys you can but here is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...JAMAICA IS ON A BLAZING TRACK TO NOWHERE!! No its not because we have 'stupid' leaders, because if you ask me, I believe they are amongst the most intelligent leaders known to man. When you can have a people voluntarily submitting themselves to a vicious political cycle and empty promises for generations, that's intelligence. When a people are aware of the truth BUT STILL refuse to address it or DEMAND answers, that's intelligence! Because all of this friends, is nothing more than classical conditioning (google it) and political psychology at their best, and you will agree, no dunce can pull that off. So what is then the reason or reasons? Greed maybe, capitalism maybe, laziness or THE UNDERVALUING OF EDUCATION, I mean if you wish, we could really churn out a list or two. I am going to run with however the point about education, look at the state of some of our schools (still using pit toilets or compost toilets for those who don't like the pit phrase) and the curriculum! Then look at the salary packages and increases the ones in power have pleased themselves with (greed). Also take a look at the fact that while some parts of Kingston and wider Jamaica are experiencing SEVERE drought, University of the West Indies (where 'smart' people and future 'leaders' attend) is going to have water trucks spray water on carnival goers to get off the party paint, wow, hold on let that sink in, wooooooow. Also lets highlight the stink and always talked about CORRUPTION that for heaven's sake is squeeeezing the life out of us. Friends in high places giving killers in low places the reign to cripple a society, and you know the sad thing, you are going to read this post and do nothing. Yes I said it, NOTHING, you like everyone else in this disgusting situation will nod your head in agreement and say "true, true" and then go back to the daily garbage. Hey don't worry, you have company, after doing this hard hitting post I am going to roll over and play possum just like you, I mean whats the sense right? After all, if push comes to shove, I will go and live in Canada or another country, oh, that's if I still have my visa! Worse case scenario...sit here with my sunglasses on and burn with Rome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS3_vxvvqh0
ReplyDeletehey BBP... suggestion for next post...suggestions on how to care about our country and not play posssum, after all, the ministers don't read blogs, or care about the tons of social commentary in the paper...
ReplyDeletePoint taken
ReplyDeleteThe fact that u've taken the time to medz it out, create a blog, share the knowledge says 'playin possum' is the last thing u want or need to do. U see this where the statement 'actions speak louder than words' doesnt always apply. Cause ur words right now r ur actions. N yes i agree ministers may not read blogs but u never know who will n that is what's most important. Never underestimate the power of the written words. I've come to learn this, sometimes the still, small voice of reason brings thst whispered wind of change. Sometimes standing up n stating the wrong, n openin another's eyes to it is the job that u need to do, n that's the change u have made. Cause many may ignore it n do nothing but someone can still do somthing. So yeah u can decide to run, to stay n do somethin or stay n do nothin but thats a choice for all of us to take. I cyaan tell u what i will or wont do but i can say i will continue to use my voice to help bring about that change, n whether my fight is wid a stick or pencil, i will continue to fight.
ReplyDeleteReal Talk
ReplyDeleteYou knw wats missing T? pple like u who genuinely care about our country and its growth in government leadership and offices.
ReplyDeleteWell said.
Thanks much and I will keep that in mind Cross.