Friday 16 April 2010

Gold Nuggets After watching the video, My heart felt warm, seeing young and aware(intelligent) black children, it provided that spirit of hope. I just hope they don't develop a liking to dance-hall music. People always seem to glance over the adage "the children are the future". But what to say of OUR(Jamaican) children? I wonder if I should do a similar video if I would get questions pertaining to our entertainment industry, or more social and political issues? Just thinking. What should be noted in the video too is how culturally grounded they are, with their traditional dancing and singing. Sing 'Linstead Market' to our youth and chances are you will be greeted by something unpleasant, sing something from BET/MTV or something 'Gaza' and 'Gully' related and you're sure to be a hit with them. Where has our culture gone, do we even need it in anyway or there are just bigger fish to fry? How important is it to society that we preserve our old culture and ways; or some of it (Not a big fan of Jankanoo)?. What I do know is that awareness, whether self or global awareness is lacking amongst our children, our teens and even adults. Would you agree that a major revamping of our schools' curricula is necessary, not to educate them just on strict academics, but a more holistic and cultural approach, bringing back that genuine love for one's self and country? Jamaica's culture has moved from being unique to the trashcan of Uncle Sam's backyard.

1 comment:

  1. It broke my heart to hear her ask, y is it that so many other countries r rich n Ghana is poor... But you're so right, our culture and the emphasis on knowing n understanding it has been thrown out the window. I remember days when we had to learn about our history, learn our old folk songs, read anansi stories, know the menaing behind the colours in our flag not because it would be on a test, but because it was a part of who we were as a ppl. But everyday we become more n more like the US n our cuture has been watered down. Its not just the dancehall, because at least that orignated here,but u ask some kids n they can sing the theme song to any disney or cartoon network show but you ask them bout the song : 'Back to Africa' n they dont have a clue. I do agree that the curriculum in schools need to be changed to include our culture once again (n not just for the sake of doin a JCDC show). But unfortunately the only intent for schools now is to train you to go out to make money. N though nothing is wrong with that, but money n the love n greed of it is what is rapidly stripping us of our culture, our uniqueness n individuality that once made this Our Sweet Jam dung.
