Today we are gathered here not to mourn, but to celebrate the life of the great adage "love is blind". While it has served its purpose in being the best excuse ever for us adults to be 'stuck on stupid' (yes I love that phrase), I think its time we wish it well and usher in a new time, one of responsibility. Responsibility to not say "love is blind", BUT PAY ATTENTION TO ALL THOSE WARNING SIGNS you got before you decided to enter that dead end relationship. Responsibility to control that ever burning passion that clouds your 'vision', so you don't see the glass as half full when its really half empty. Why must my darling women (please recognize the sarcasm) insist on living off sweet nothings, yet they will look you dead in the eye as a friend and reassure you how much they are in control of the situation? Why must we pay so little attention to the obvious (actions)? My philosophy: if you have many questions, then there is still much to find out. "Some men are such dogs." Well news flash! these dogs gained their status from being associated with a lot of silly/blind/eyes closed women. I'm POSITIVE in his career he was flat out rejected by women who had their heads screwed on and passion in check. Hey I could be wrong! but I'm just saying. Remember how we were taught to cross the street when we were younger, wait until all the cars stop look up, down, UP AGAIN (I was trying the traffic light effect with the colours, nice right?), observe road signs and so forth? Same rules apply, so lets give love a break and proceed with caution and common sense for once. On that note, may it's soul rest in peace.
yes love is blind and as a great man once said "It is better to have love and lost than never to have loved at all." With that being said at the end of the day yes we are blind and unable to discern the scientific reasoning behind the silly things we do and such when in love but it is in this blindness that we must use experiences both personal and from others to act as a seeing eye dog to help us wade through the waters of love and overcome the rough spots and such. as a famous video game once said, "there is no knowledge that is not power" so at the end of the day it is your choice whether to turn a blind eye to the problems you are facing or the doubts that fill your head or you can make the smart choice and exercise that right to knowledge and ask that question. From i was a little youth one thing my parents mek sure bruk inna mi; questions were made to be asked, no matter how stupid or insignificant; because at the end of the day the onus is on the subject to ask an intelligent question to gain an intelligent answer or they can ask a stupid question and gain a stupid answer.......
ReplyDeleteR I could not in my right mind disagree with you, however what we find in relationships is a lack of FRUITFUL/MEANINGFUL communication and more of the superficial type. So what that does is create a scenario for nothing fruitful to thrive aka DEAD END! And I must agree with one thing, Knowledge being power, I believe knowledge USED is power, because many of us get the lesson but never apply it then turn around and fall the same way as before.
ReplyDeleteLoooooooooooooooove it...n it's so true. I think there r always signs but some women believe they can fix things....Its broken...so let me fix it to work the way I want it to work. Ha...once it hits the shelf, that's it. Don't purchase damaged goods. U can always come back another time if n when its fixed
ReplyDeleteLet me breathe 2 time b4 i touch this (breathe in n out n roll shoulders). Aiight, this is my personal view n ppl ago disagree but such is life. Love is not blind. I find that its the cowardly way of sayin i messed up but the blame cant fall on me, so love get blame. Love doesnt blind u, ppl use love to act as blinders, so they see the prob n then instantly put up the big 'LOVE BLOCK' to justify the things u see that u knew you shouldnt ignore n u knew it was doomed from the get-go. In life, n love its important to b honest with ppl but its even more important to be honest with urself. Ppl lie to themselves all the time to justify y they stay in relationships that they know wont work, not working, n neva will work. Then u have those who jus love that person more than they love themselves so they put up wid anything. N that person knows it n continues 2 dish the dirt. Time ppl learn stand up n look truth in the eye cause its right in front of them. N learn to love themself enough to leave. Stop fret bout the next one, n talk bout u cyaan live without(kmt he/she mussi air) leave the crosses n love urself n give love its fair chance cause love neva do nobody nuttin.
ReplyDeleteNeicie where were you when I needed help with English assignments to summarize? and I'm still stuck on "LOVE BLOCK"
ReplyDeleteLOL I love the "stuck on stupid".I completely agree love is not blind. The WARNING signs are always there. A lot of times we make excuses for our shortcomings and insecurities and because of those insecurities we ignore the warning signs. If we paid attention to those signs we would make better decisions. I concur with Ms.Rey people justify their actions in order to continue making excuses and remain in relationships they know are not healthy or not going to last.
ReplyDeleteI love this! This is so true, woman referring to myself first are always blinded by what they think is love. We try to dwell on the good memories in a relationship and even when there is no hope for the relationship we try to grasp on those memories and hope the relationship will once again be what is was. These memories and hopes then cause us to be blinded by “love” once the relationship turn sour. There is always that that phrase that we use “he will change” that is when you know that you are truly blinded. Great Blog T.
ReplyDeleteThat analogy is so true. Live and learn, WELL, we live and HOPEFULLY we learn.