As you go along through life you realize more and more the value of having peace of mind. It's importance grows with every experience but it often eludes us for one reason or another; fleeting somewhat. You can either LIVE or just be alive, many of us are just alive but not living, as in not really feeling and in-tune with life on a daily basis, not knowing our purpose whether spiritually, socially, professionally etc. so we operate in a subpar, miserable and internally destructive manner.
Happiness or Peace cannot be honestly experienced without conquering self, without being able to control the desires of the flesh and steering away from self destructive ways. No amount of materialistic gain or social recognition can win such a war that continuously goes on in the innermost chambers of the mind and heart! It takes continuous self discipline and self love to win that war against self and until you start fighting that war you will remain but chaff in the wind being led by your past and your circumstances instead of being the leader in your life.©
True words!(Y)