Thursday, 5 August 2010

Like Seriously?!

So let me get this straight...! Oh greetings! so as I was saying, here is hypocrisy showing its ugly head again in the land of wood and water. Lets talk about whats still being talked about...the video that showed the police killing the man in cold blood. Ok so that's wrong, point taken (Yes you see where I'm going with this already) but what of the woman (Miss Cherry Wilson) he stabbed to death moments before the police sent him on his way? People I am sorry but I have not a stone to throw on this one besides accepting the FACT that how the police went about it was wrong. NO NO don't tell me that's what everybody is saying because the truth is many are speaking of the incident as if he did not repeatedly stab her in the neck and chest, oh yeah how could I fail to mention that up until yesterday some people DID NOT even know he killed someone that day. I don't gamble (except with love) but I would bet my last dollar coin that if we heard the news that some man stabbed his common law wife to death and fled the scene we would all be mumbling and some shouting that "PEOPLE LIKE DEM DEH FI DEAD" well here it is folks, he's dead, and where are we? Yes that's right, sending the hero to the gallows. Wait wait, I AM IN NO WAY advocating  for the police and their crooked ways, no I'm just addressing this incident as is!

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