Water is water but it can be hot or cold, used to shower with or help in healing someone; it can be used to out a fire or it can drown someone; dispel a drought or become a tsunami. In the end however, its still water.
Love is love whether u want to channel it to material things, knowledge, yourself or others. Some people use it when committing genocide, as they love dearly their own beliefs when waging war, like in the Bible for man's love to God they wipe out another kingdom or nation, man woman and child. For a man's Love of the world he sells his soul. Some people because they Love they sacrifice their own life for another; God made man out of Love and according to the Bible gave his own son to die the most gruesome of deaths. In the end however, its still love.
So who am I then or who are you to dictate to anyone what love is or how it should be? It builds, it destroys. We came into this world without the word known to us only to be taught or made aware of it, we didn't make it, so in the end regardless of what you believe of it, we can only channel it.