Wednesday, 26 May 2010


I got poisoned too many times 
I got shot by too many nines
slither slither from garden snake to king cobra
I'm not sure if I'm killing the right one
my brother, son, a killa ,a souljah

Now I have webs all around
I tear down what I see
I spray what I can

Now they made way to the house
My family faces harm 
My daughter Justice got poisoned 
Too late for alarm 

My wife Truth divorced me for that reason
I told her it was just for a season
"this too shall pass" I said...
"you're an ass" she said

Continue killing what I see or burn this house down?
too many sick memories 
too many ineffective methods
killed many but more thrive
Should have killed the Queen Bee instead of attacking the hive

Couldn't even the score
Never won and Truth is out the door
Shooting sheep looking for wolf, do it one by one or burn the flock?
Too many evils
Drop the Bible cock the glock
Kill the Devil without God? unheard of!
Forget pondering 
Too callous to be religious

This place is polluted 
No longer a father, protector or caregiver
I'm an exterminator!


Yours Truly: Teion BBP Williams

Monday, 24 May 2010

Labour in the Gideon

Labour in thought: In a country's dark and decisive moment let the weak separate from the strong, the wise from the foolish, the prudent from the impulsive, the patriotic from the disloyal and the God-fearing from the evils. Let those who believe stand to lead, the loud and empty be taken away by the winds of truth and the road to true change be guided by the hands of time. Enough talk, let's talk and walk... - BBP

Sunday, 16 May 2010

We want the truth!

"We want truth" - That was the title given to the sermon done by Lorenzo King of Andrews Memorial Seventh Day ok forget all that and lets get to the juicy part 'Give the full stinking truth, PM' and then below that it says "Adventist pastor issues advice to Golding". Just based on that it sounds as if the Pastor had a vendetta against Golding, be honest, after the first couple of lines one would think along with the up-tight churchgoers "what is going on with this pastor?", or "what is the church going to?" And the editor/reporter INTENTIONALLY used the word "stinking" on the front page along with the pic of the Pastor, and then automatically you start questioning what kind of language is being used in the church (and then there are those that are glad to see this so they can throw more stones at the SDA church, or church body in general). So did he use the phrase "stinking truth" in church? Yes - Oh silly me, I should have told you earlier, I attended Andrews Church that day, so I have some authority to flex on this issue ;) When Pastor King spoke of the "stinking truth" he was telling the story of Lazarus of Bethany, as it relates to the truth and how the stench of his body was offensive to the people and it hit them when Jesus asked them to roll away the stone, then as they smelt the corpse Jesus ordered Lazarus to come forth. That's the analogy the Pastor used to represent the nature of any truth and the stench of it being repulsive to those who come in contact with it. Not necessarily an advice for the PM Bruce Golding, but an advice or lesson as it relates to THE TRUTH of any kind generally speaking. I say this because he spoke of both political truth and spiritual truth, spiritual truth as it relates to spiritual leaders from and outside the SDA(seventh day Adventist) church not telling or teaching the whole Biblical truth; like the Pastor he mentioned by name who leads church on a Sunday and preaches against the Sabbath but he himself observes and keeps the sabbath. As it relates to Political truth he preached on the basis that a Government's objective not the Government's objective, but a Government's objective (highlighting that he was just not speaking of local Government) is not to tell the truth but instead its objective is to retain power. Here he highlighted the Secrets Act of the constitution. He also quoted Winston Churchill  "In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.", and how its on such grounds the United States launched the second Gulf War lying to the people about weapons of mass destruction which up to this very day at the cost of billions of dollars and thousands of lives have not been found. I must declare that while the sermon was a very hard hitting one, it was not a gift wrapped sermon for PM Bruce Golding handed over at a surprise party. The Pastor prayed for Mr. Golding and his family and asked that whichever direction or results that come of the situation God should oversee. Ask yourself this question, when since has any tabloid been interested in a good sermon? Never, a good story, always! 

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.

The Greek festival/ritual of celebrating the queen of heaven or mother of gods is now one of the world's most celebrated days, Mother's Day (I bet my readers are rolling their eyes at this point). I know I know, maybe I should have saved this article for some other time, nah, couldn't help myself, had to crash the party. However I'm not here to start a sermon, I want to take this opportunity not to celebrate but to just thank the MOTHERS for their genuine effort in nurturing the young ones, especially if you are in a situation where you're doing it on your own! (I pray a special prayer for the inactive and missing fathers). Also I would like to take this opportunity to frown upon the vessels of this land who don't deserve to be called mothers (say what you may but some just don't deserve the title). I just call them child bearers, the ones who neglected the seeds, or put the relationship between themselves and the world or a man above the needs of the seeds; the ones who brought forth a child thinking it will prevent a man from walking out of the relationship; the ones who brought forth a child just to flaunt her womanhood and not because she has GENUINE PASSION to nurture a child as it should be; and last but not least the ones that brought forth a seed just because she has to beat the 'body clock'!!! Again "Father, forgive them: for they know not what they do". To the mothers who educate themselves on the word of God so as to guide them in the nurturing of their seeds(the future of this world), the ones who make sacrifices only another mother of her kind can understand, the ones that KNOW FROM THE DEPTH OF THEIR SOULS that they have done their best, TO YOU I SAY THANKS! Thank you for making that mark on this world. To all my younger and expecting mothers, spend more time with your children, draw closer to God and his teachings, choose your partners(potential fathers) wisely, don't rush because your 'clock' is ticking, AND STOP LEAVING YOUR CHILDREN WITH WHOEVER AND HOWEVER TO GO PARTYING OR FOR NIGHTLIFE, parenting is not a cake walk, its a 24hr mission and responsibility. Click to listen Sizzla - Thank you Mama

Sizzla - Thank You Mama (Video) (High Quality)

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

“Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise” (Proverbs 6:6).

Lets talk about that little voice in our heads, the one that constantly reminds you that there is way more you can do with what time and power you have. It's that restlessness you feel when you think about where you are and where you BELIEVE you can and/or should be. It whispers to you in the middle of the day, when you least expect it, THE LITTLE VOICE JUST HITS YOU: "look at you!", "look at me!!" Why do we continue to ignore it? Fear maybe? A lack of confidence? LAZINESS?! You could be a very hard worker who is still complacent, knowing there is more to you. Not everybody who is complacent is lazy but everybody who is lazy is complacent. Whatever it is, its just a matter of time before you run your head into the wall. I always say, don't die an 'I wish', die an 'I did'. No this is not a Rick Warren or Les Brown moment, its a real-talk moment.

*This paradigm shift or should I say epiphany, occurred when my Blackberry service expired...*hint hint* sometimes less is best and sometimes you spend a lot of time doing a whole bunch of nothing really!