Saturday, 3 December 2011

First political debate could kick off next week

First political debate could kick off next week
What I find interesting however is why 18 Million dollars is needed to host such a debate? A breakdown of the invoice should be made available for public scrutiny. Given the high levels of corruption and the recent mystery of over $60M 'spent' on office furniture I believe this is a necessary step! Also it would be a good opportunity for the Prime Minister of Jamaica to back up his words about fighting corruption INTERNALLY seeing that's high on his to-do list. Practices such as making ALL invoices available for public scrutiny would definitely increase confidence in government officials and also reinforce accountability and transparency.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Battlefield: America - Have the Terrorists Won?

Being discussed is the National Defence Authorization Act for 2012, S. 1867 where basically if this is bill is passed Americans will face the possibility of being arrested and detained indefinitely, WITHOUT TRIAL! Basically it's the same treatment you would hand out to a terrorist or SUSPECTED terrorist; and of course this flies in the face of the constitution and rights of individuals to be given fair trial. It has been mentioned that this bill isn't the first of its kind but certainly this one seems to be the only one to have reached this far in terms of majority votes and the only chance of it not being passed may rest on the President himself dismissing it! (Obama once again has the world in the palm of his hand)

Voices of reason©

"The reform of the tax sector...too much cess on imports for business and the local man . Too many tax evasion in the country, a routine check on the books of the average company would show gross tax evation and persons being dishonest in paying over money to the NHT and NIS. Reformation of the health and education those who are unable to afford it.
Adding corn to the products exported...Reduction of imports...we should never be importing water, ketchup, juices, any snacks, and food produce and anything that we can produce here....
Health Tourism is also on the cards, cleaning up of the different government agencies...too many persons on the pay roll who aren't actually working in said agency" - Demar Thompson 

Challenging the leaders of your country is what is needed more now than before. However in challenging leaders, citizens should do so in an objective and practical manner as cited above by Demar. Asking for leaders to make wine out of water should not be the method taken in challenging our leaders. For one to effectively challenge leaders one has to SERIOUSLY BE AWARE OF THE TRUE NATURE AND STANDING OF THE COUNTRY. I don't agree with the cry: "Jobs Jobs Jobs", instead it should be "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND SELF RELIANCE" (ok I know the latter wouldn't make for a good chant but you get the point). More now than before is awareness (education) necessary!! The fact is that Jamaica like many other countries is at a ground zero (well it can be argued that we are below that) and while that is very bad economically, simultaneously it provides the opportunity for NEW AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH!! We are now at the point where purple lotion won't treat this wound (gunshot like wound) and we really need to stop the bleeding (in-house corruption and wasteful spending among other things) to do reconstructive surgery.©

Thursday, 1 December 2011


  •  While the Prime Minister highlighted focus on Small businesses, which is great, the question remains: what of the Agricultural sector (concrete and continuous plans to sustain and build it) and also why hasn't he spoken of how to capitalize on the two biggest foreign exchange markets for Jamaica: SPORTS (track n field, sunshine girls amongst other booming areas) AND ENTERTAINMENT(MORE SO MUSIC)
  • what about politicians being sentenced for criminal offences/corruption besides resigning or being fired? Or am I being too extreme?
    • The PM seems to be holding his own with the questions asked but at times with ambiguity. Sometimes he responds without answering! Yes let me repeat, responding without answering! For example the question about Pensions and austerity measures! He said he doesn't believe in austerity but not believing it doesn't mean he won't do it!
      • "Cliff Cliff Cliff........Calm!"- PM Andrew Holness on Impact! Dwl it's obvious though that the PM has a short temper


My main concern is that if you're going to be a loyalist don't be a sheep in the process! It angers me to the core when rational thinking people switch off or dumb down their reasoning just to be a part of some movement or being caught up in some euphoric moment and forgetting the severity of their actions. It's Time for a change and these politicians need to know they are no longer dealing with a bunch of sheep but rather people who are aware of what time it really is!!!
If yu ago vote doh vote blindly, irrationally or sensationally! Mi ah beg u! Jamaica have enough people ah do dat already!! These parties are yet to take the interest and concerns of the people seriously!!
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Wednesday, 16 November 2011

So the stars didn't lie©

Sunday January 30th of this year I submitted a blog titled: Global Pressure Cooker; in it I touched on the possibility of protests spilling from one land into another, or should I say the spirit of protests spilling from one land into another. I can safely say, with some degree of anxiety, that indeed I was spot on. To see now coming to the end of the year Egypt's previous government/dictatorship overthrown, Libya's leader Gaddafi killed and as I am typing many are dying in Syria. What has also grown in the sense of a 'pressure cooker effect' is the current world economic crisis. From that stage more protests have risen, in the form of the now well known Occupy Movement. A movement, the most prominent one being Occupy Wall Street, said to represent a call from the 99% (the people, the majority, those who matter the most) to the 1% (the bankers, the financial elites, governments, those that control the countries' resources) that has even had it's influence, however small, felt here in Jamaica (Occupy Half Way Tree). What I find more intriguing however is the number of countries collapsing this year financially in somewhat of a domino effect; similar to that of the bloody protests in Africa and the east. In a very orderly fashion, one lined up after the other, waiting for it's turn to be hit then subsequently falling. Greece was the talk of the town, going down and hard with fellow members of the eurozone questioning if they should even be a part of, then the shouts rang out from the people of Greece for their leader to step down, with that said Italy is hot behind Greece with the Italians shouting for their leader to step down (which he eventually did) and Italy's debt rapidly increasing. As of late last week if I'm not mistaken Spain has entered the ring of battered and failing Euro economy. Oh and how could I forget to mention that more and more talks of one governing body/currency is surfacing or should I say resurfacing; along with the possibility of another recession looming.©

Saturday, 11 June 2011


A Quiet man has much to think about.©
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Wednesday, 4 May 2011


So here you are on the come up, everyone and everything matters; you need even the smallest support because it's that important to achieve the next rise. You push and you push, you accept assistance from wherever or whoever it comes from, and when you get it, you're grateful, relieved, because you feel progress taking place; you feel feel like you're rising.
Here you are 'rising', then you start 'looking down', looking down not at the levels you have surpassed, rather looking down at the people, seeing them fading from people to dots, yes, everything and everyone around you that you were once amongst begins to look small, and yes because you are 'rising', insignificant.
One thing you forgot though is that the higher you 'rise' is the thinner the air gets and the pressure increases, try not to fall now! Because it's a long way down and which dot is going to catch you?!©

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Thursday, 28 April 2011

What Does It Take?©

There are basic factors that moulds one's future, these are: What? Why? How? When? What do you do? Why do you do what you do? How do you do it? When will you do it? These questions highlight one's flaws and strengths, the things that are pushing and motivating you and the things that are hindering you or side tracking you. Honesty with self is the golden key to unlocking all this, lying to yourself is as good as a bird without wings. Working towards solving these questions can be just as fulfilling as finding the answers and executing them. Every step whether large or small is just as good as the other once you're heading in the right direction.©

Friday, 22 April 2011


So it was a good day, Boston Celtics won their game in fine style, plus football was great (yep I scored goals too lol) AND Arif Cooper played a song I requested 'Rasta Chant' by JOE and everything was just mellow. No complaints on my side. How could I forget, I heard some new and good music from Dehli today from the word sound power project. YES I'm alive and well :D
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Comrade Bant Singh, Delhi Sultanate & Chris McGuinness - modern dayz sla...

BANT SINGH - Word Sound & Power

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

A Blueprint For Achievement

Believe while others are doubting
Plan while others are playing
Study while others are sleeping
Decide while others are delaying
Prepare while others are day dreaming
Begin while others are procrastinating
Save while others are wasting
Listen while others are talking
Smile while others are pouting
Commend while others are criticizing
Persist while others are quitting

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Thursday, 7 April 2011


Proud full time student here
No they don’t give away scholarships to go there
Nothing’s free here
You pay from the actions done, you earn from the lessons dear
Graduates return to further their education every year
No graduation ceremony
Instead your vision becomes crystal clear, your heart pumps stronger and one by one you eliminate every fear
Your weight is not measured in gold neither your worth in dollar signs
Only green is the rough pastures you feed from, no sick leaves, the weak goes on probation
Scholars of SOHK
A proud nation.©

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Taking the true of nature of business for granted in Jamaica©

Business 101: Understand as young professionals and business leaders every time we leave home we are not merely going into an office, we are going into a battle station. Business is war minus the guns. Vision, Strategy, Implementation and Execution are shared by both the Army and any successful business.©

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Japan willing to help JA go nuclear

Japan willing to help JA go nuclear (click the link)<<<<<<<<<<-----Interesting development, which I believe has some good to it but I am not that confident in Jamaica and it's political climate/leaders and ways of managing waste (Riverton City Dump). Yes nuclear plants will come with way more protocol and systems in place to oversee operations and such but at the same time I tend to stick to the adage: "Tek sleep mark death". I am in support of the views expressed in the article to exploit renewable energy resources first, before moving onto Nuclear energy. Lets work with things that are far easier to govern, yes expensive start up but long term very economical/cheap, much safer even when and if neglected by the powers that be and longevity.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Just Thinking©

Some of us need to visit the cemetery to appreciate life more, then the hospital to appreciate good health more, then to Gordon House to see how stupid we can be as a people. (I know, the last bit was just a random political rant)©
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Thursday, 24 March 2011

A Sorcerer's World©

Anyone who believes colour and status no longer matters is out of touch with reality. The modern world as we know it is built on inequality. I can sight various examples for days both locally and internationally, from skin colour to status to bloodline, don't be naive and buy into the many illusions of "same opportunities", for many that reality isn't real, from the inner cities and middle class homes of Jamaica to the far east. What has happened is that people who have successfully received opportunities are quick to believe that is the reality for all and so generalize and propagate the illusion of equality. Obama making it to the white house did not change the reality of racism and the man who made it from rags to riches did not change the reality that many are being cheated out of the chance of opportunities.©

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Some People©

Some people believe everything America says.
Some people question everything America says; and some people, few people believe nothing America says. I see it coming, you're really blind to what is if you haven't even glimpsed it. I get goose bumps just thinking about it!!©
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Farrakhan warns, advises Obama on Libya

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Ralph Martson

Live intentionally
If you want to live richly, live intentionally. Choose what you wish to create, and then experience the immense satisfaction of making it so instead of being consumed with doubts and fears about what might happen, be focused on what you will cause to happen. Listen to your heart, and take the initiatives that most closely resonate with what you hear.

Absolutely accept and embrace whatever randomness life brings your way. Yet do it from a perspective of your own choosing.

Get the very most from each day by making the intentional choice of how to spend it. Instead of being pushed in a hundred different directions by the conflict and complexity that surrounds you, harness the energy of your passion and purpose.

Direct yourself, consistently and persistently, toward the places, situations, experiences, people and results that you wish to have in your life. You have more than enough energy, opportunities and ability, when focused in a specific direction, to achieve whatever you choose.

So choose to choose. Decide how your life will be, this hour, this day, this year, this century, and live the true richness of making it happen.

-- Ralph Marston
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Thursday, 3 February 2011

The African Rumble

“Every morning in Africa, a Gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a Lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest Gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a Lion or a Gazelle... when the sun comes up, you'd better be running.”


Sunday, 30 January 2011

A Global Pressure Cooker©

"When anger rises, think of the consequences" - Confucius. So once again Africa is the talk of the town, with over 100 people killed so far due to the protests my thoughts on the situation like many are: what will be the possible consequences of this event, not nationally but more so internationally? Will it fuel other protests for justice, equal rights and democracy? Protests have already started in the United States, peaceful ones, in response to the situation in Egypt but what does this say? For me I think World leaders underestimate the speed in which the fire spreads or is spreading, the fire of the 'have nots' and of the voices of the oppressed. While many countries have the military power to supposedly control such situations, still the power is with the people in any given situation and in the end, although robotic at times, human beings with emotions are the ones that make up the military power of any country. More and more we hear of the rise in consciousness of the world's peoples, is it actually approaching the point of anarchy? Well maybe a bit far fetched or maybe not. As was said by the people of Egypt, they were empowered by Tunisia, so who to say China won't be empowered by Egypt and then America by China and Jamaica by America? Nah, I'm just being ridiculous.©       

Wednesday, 19 January 2011


Man is his own battery indicator, we know when we are running low and we know when we are due a replenishing. Some ignore the signs, play stubborn until the point of complete frustration with themselves and everything and everyone around them. Whenever I find myself at the point where things begin to feel stagnant, without life, is where I know it's time to replenish. Time for solitude. It's in that period of seclusion one attains balance and meaningful insight. The point where introspection and refocusing happens best.©