Wednesday 4 May 2011


So here you are on the come up, everyone and everything matters; you need even the smallest support because it's that important to achieve the next rise. You push and you push, you accept assistance from wherever or whoever it comes from, and when you get it, you're grateful, relieved, because you feel progress taking place; you feel feel like you're rising.
Here you are 'rising', then you start 'looking down', looking down not at the levels you have surpassed, rather looking down at the people, seeing them fading from people to dots, yes, everything and everyone around you that you were once amongst begins to look small, and yes because you are 'rising', insignificant.
One thing you forgot though is that the higher you 'rise' is the thinner the air gets and the pressure increases, try not to fall now! Because it's a long way down and which dot is going to catch you?!©

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1 comment:

  1. This is why we must remain humble. The greater the rise the harder the fall and woe unto you if you have no support on the way down. And another thing as we rise we should also be diligent to help those around us rise also. A better world begins with you.
