"When anger rises, think of the consequences" - Confucius. So once again Africa is the talk of the town, with over 100 people killed so far due to the protests my thoughts on the situation like many are: what will be the possible consequences of this event, not nationally but more so internationally? Will it fuel other protests for justice, equal rights and democracy? Protests have already started in the United States, peaceful ones, in response to the situation in Egypt but what does this say? For me I think World leaders underestimate the speed in which the fire spreads or is spreading, the fire of the 'have nots' and of the voices of the oppressed. While many countries have the military power to supposedly control such situations, still the power is with the people in any given situation and in the end, although robotic at times, human beings with emotions are the ones that make up the military power of any country. More and more we hear of the rise in consciousness of the world's peoples, is it actually approaching the point of anarchy? Well maybe a bit far fetched or maybe not. As was said by the people of Egypt, they were empowered by Tunisia, so who to say China won't be empowered by Egypt and then America by China and Jamaica by America? Nah, I'm just being ridiculous.©
My yute you are quite right! I don't think either you or I understand how right you might actually be. Seemingly small and far-removed events like these can result in a massive worldwide sweep.
ReplyDeleteI only have one question though: who does anarchy really benefit? are the have-nots and the down-trodden the ultimate beneficiaries? After anarchy, then what?
You see in the case of Anarchy there comes a time when the down-trodden care not about tomorrow and future development but more so focussed on the immediate and ongoing frustration they have been experiencing and having the ones not experiencing it experience it. That's what I believe, very few overthrow governments and systems with a sound post anarchy plan in mind they just act on frustration.