Wednesday, 16 November 2011

So the stars didn't lie©

Sunday January 30th of this year I submitted a blog titled: Global Pressure Cooker; in it I touched on the possibility of protests spilling from one land into another, or should I say the spirit of protests spilling from one land into another. I can safely say, with some degree of anxiety, that indeed I was spot on. To see now coming to the end of the year Egypt's previous government/dictatorship overthrown, Libya's leader Gaddafi killed and as I am typing many are dying in Syria. What has also grown in the sense of a 'pressure cooker effect' is the current world economic crisis. From that stage more protests have risen, in the form of the now well known Occupy Movement. A movement, the most prominent one being Occupy Wall Street, said to represent a call from the 99% (the people, the majority, those who matter the most) to the 1% (the bankers, the financial elites, governments, those that control the countries' resources) that has even had it's influence, however small, felt here in Jamaica (Occupy Half Way Tree). What I find more intriguing however is the number of countries collapsing this year financially in somewhat of a domino effect; similar to that of the bloody protests in Africa and the east. In a very orderly fashion, one lined up after the other, waiting for it's turn to be hit then subsequently falling. Greece was the talk of the town, going down and hard with fellow members of the eurozone questioning if they should even be a part of, then the shouts rang out from the people of Greece for their leader to step down, with that said Italy is hot behind Greece with the Italians shouting for their leader to step down (which he eventually did) and Italy's debt rapidly increasing. As of late last week if I'm not mistaken Spain has entered the ring of battered and failing Euro economy. Oh and how could I forget to mention that more and more talks of one governing body/currency is surfacing or should I say resurfacing; along with the possibility of another recession looming.©