"When God was equipping man for his life-journey of exploration, the attending angel was about to add the gift of contentment and complete satisfaction. The Infinite Mind stayed his hand. "No," He said, "if you give him that power you will rob him forever of the joy of self-discovery." - Indian Legend
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Saturday, 3 December 2011
First political debate could kick off next week
First political debate could kick off next week
What I find interesting however is why 18 Million dollars is needed to host such a debate? A breakdown of the invoice should be made available for public scrutiny. Given the high levels of corruption and the recent mystery of over $60M 'spent' on office furniture I believe this is a necessary step! Also it would be a good opportunity for the Prime Minister of Jamaica to back up his words about fighting corruption INTERNALLY seeing that's high on his to-do list. Practices such as making ALL invoices available for public scrutiny would definitely increase confidence in government officials and also reinforce accountability and transparency.
What I find interesting however is why 18 Million dollars is needed to host such a debate? A breakdown of the invoice should be made available for public scrutiny. Given the high levels of corruption and the recent mystery of over $60M 'spent' on office furniture I believe this is a necessary step! Also it would be a good opportunity for the Prime Minister of Jamaica to back up his words about fighting corruption INTERNALLY seeing that's high on his to-do list. Practices such as making ALL invoices available for public scrutiny would definitely increase confidence in government officials and also reinforce accountability and transparency.
Friday, 2 December 2011
Battlefield: America - Have the Terrorists Won?
Being discussed is the National Defence Authorization Act for 2012, S. 1867 where basically if this is bill is passed Americans will face the possibility of being arrested and detained indefinitely, WITHOUT TRIAL! Basically it's the same treatment you would hand out to a terrorist or SUSPECTED terrorist; and of course this flies in the face of the constitution and rights of individuals to be given fair trial. It has been mentioned that this bill isn't the first of its kind but certainly this one seems to be the only one to have reached this far in terms of majority votes and the only chance of it not being passed may rest on the President himself dismissing it! (Obama once again has the world in the palm of his hand)
Voices of reason©
"The reform of the tax sector...too much cess on imports for business and the local man . Too many tax evasion in the country, a routine check on the books of the average company would show gross tax evation and persons being dishonest in paying over money to the NHT and NIS. Reformation of the health and education sector...to those who are unable to afford it.
Adding corn to the products exported...Reduction of imports...we should never be importing water, ketchup, juices, any snacks, and food produce and anything that we can produce here.... Health Tourism is also on the cards, cleaning up of the different government agencies...too many persons on the pay roll who aren't actually working in said agency" - Demar Thompson
Challenging the leaders of your country is what is needed more now than before. However in challenging leaders, citizens should do so in an objective and practical manner as cited above by Demar. Asking for leaders to make wine out of water should not be the method taken in challenging our leaders. For one to effectively challenge leaders one has to SERIOUSLY BE AWARE OF THE TRUE NATURE AND STANDING OF THE COUNTRY. I don't agree with the cry: "Jobs Jobs Jobs", instead it should be "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND SELF RELIANCE" (ok I know the latter wouldn't make for a good chant but you get the point). More now than before is awareness (education) necessary!! The fact is that Jamaica like many other countries is at a ground zero (well it can be argued that we are below that) and while that is very bad economically, simultaneously it provides the opportunity for NEW AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH!! We are now at the point where purple lotion won't treat this wound (gunshot like wound) and we really need to stop the bleeding (in-house corruption and wasteful spending among other things) to do reconstructive surgery.©
Adding corn to the products exported...Reduction of imports...we should never be importing water, ketchup, juices, any snacks, and food produce and anything that we can produce here.... Health Tourism is also on the cards, cleaning up of the different government agencies...too many persons on the pay roll who aren't actually working in said agency" - Demar Thompson
Challenging the leaders of your country is what is needed more now than before. However in challenging leaders, citizens should do so in an objective and practical manner as cited above by Demar. Asking for leaders to make wine out of water should not be the method taken in challenging our leaders. For one to effectively challenge leaders one has to SERIOUSLY BE AWARE OF THE TRUE NATURE AND STANDING OF THE COUNTRY. I don't agree with the cry: "Jobs Jobs Jobs", instead it should be "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND SELF RELIANCE" (ok I know the latter wouldn't make for a good chant but you get the point). More now than before is awareness (education) necessary!! The fact is that Jamaica like many other countries is at a ground zero (well it can be argued that we are below that) and while that is very bad economically, simultaneously it provides the opportunity for NEW AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH!! We are now at the point where purple lotion won't treat this wound (gunshot like wound) and we really need to stop the bleeding (in-house corruption and wasteful spending among other things) to do reconstructive surgery.©
Thursday, 1 December 2011
While the Prime Minister highlighted focus on Small businesses, which is great, the question remains: what of the Agricultural sector (concrete and continuous plans to sustain and build it) and also why hasn't he spoken of how to capitalize on the two biggest foreign exchange markets for Jamaica: SPORTS (track n field, sunshine girls amongst other booming areas) AND ENTERTAINMENT(MORE SO MUSIC)
what about politicians being sentenced for criminal offences/corruption besides resigning or being fired? Or am I being too extreme?
The PM seems to be holding his own with the questions asked but at times with ambiguity. Sometimes he responds without answering! Yes let me repeat, responding without answering! For example the question about Pensions and austerity measures! He said he doesn't believe in austerity but not believing it doesn't mean he won't do it!
"Cliff Cliff Cliff........Calm!"- PM Andrew Holness on Impact! Dwl it's obvious though that the PM has a short temper
My main concern is that if you're going to be a loyalist don't be a sheep in the process! It angers me to the core when rational thinking people switch off or dumb down their reasoning just to be a part of some movement or being caught up in some euphoric moment and forgetting the severity of their actions. It's Time for a change and these politicians need to know they are no longer dealing with a bunch of sheep but rather people who are aware of what time it really is!!!
If yu ago vote doh vote blindly, irrationally or sensationally! Mi ah beg u! Jamaica have enough people ah do dat already!! These parties are yet to take the interest and concerns of the people seriously!!
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel
If yu ago vote doh vote blindly, irrationally or sensationally! Mi ah beg u! Jamaica have enough people ah do dat already!! These parties are yet to take the interest and concerns of the people seriously!!
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel
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