Friday, 2 December 2011

Voices of reason©

"The reform of the tax sector...too much cess on imports for business and the local man . Too many tax evasion in the country, a routine check on the books of the average company would show gross tax evation and persons being dishonest in paying over money to the NHT and NIS. Reformation of the health and education those who are unable to afford it.
Adding corn to the products exported...Reduction of imports...we should never be importing water, ketchup, juices, any snacks, and food produce and anything that we can produce here....
Health Tourism is also on the cards, cleaning up of the different government agencies...too many persons on the pay roll who aren't actually working in said agency" - Demar Thompson 

Challenging the leaders of your country is what is needed more now than before. However in challenging leaders, citizens should do so in an objective and practical manner as cited above by Demar. Asking for leaders to make wine out of water should not be the method taken in challenging our leaders. For one to effectively challenge leaders one has to SERIOUSLY BE AWARE OF THE TRUE NATURE AND STANDING OF THE COUNTRY. I don't agree with the cry: "Jobs Jobs Jobs", instead it should be "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND SELF RELIANCE" (ok I know the latter wouldn't make for a good chant but you get the point). More now than before is awareness (education) necessary!! The fact is that Jamaica like many other countries is at a ground zero (well it can be argued that we are below that) and while that is very bad economically, simultaneously it provides the opportunity for NEW AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH!! We are now at the point where purple lotion won't treat this wound (gunshot like wound) and we really need to stop the bleeding (in-house corruption and wasteful spending among other things) to do reconstructive surgery.©

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